Monday, April 27, 2009

Educational weekend

This was one of those weekends where I learned various random things about myself.

1. A weekend vacation in Jamaica really can derail you for an entire week post-vacation.

2. My bedtime really is 10:30 whether I like it or not. I fell asleep sitting up in the backseat of a car during a fully interactive conversation for what felt like 5 minutes but I'm told was more like 40.

3. My allergies really are that bad. I ran out of medication and thought, I should be fine now, right? Wrong. By the time we made it to PA I was all croaky and my sinuses were building with pressure. We got meds but not soon enough, as evidenced by the fact I could barely breathe once we got back from our bike ride. It was not that big of a deal, but I guess it's sort of comforting to know that I'm not spending all this money for nothing...

4. I am still a little bit afraid of my bike, but a 60 mile ride did a lot to help me feel more confident, especially after my chain fell off and I put it back on like a pro and managed to catch back up with the group.

5. Despite my fear of clipless pedals, I'm determined to put them on my bike in the next week or two so that I can quit being a poser and be a real cyclist...or at least attempt to be one.

6. I realized I might be able to do a half-ironman at the end of the season...maybe.

7. I still won't eat soggy bread, no matter how starving I am. Seriously, if you (and by you I mean any restaurant) are going to have a gooey BBQ pork sandwich, you should really invest in more hearty buns for the sog-averse eater.

8. Paying someone a total of $6 ($1 per buggy) for saying good morning in German to the Dutch Amish is definitely worth it.

9. I'm too nice to make a "vroom" sound while passing a cyclist competing in an actual race.

10. I should never get off my bike after 50 miles with 10 to go. Ever.

11. My "happenings" tree is even more beautiful in bloom but casts the same spell over me as before. If I could lay under that tree every day for even just a few minutes I would be so happy.

12. I have great potential as a music producer.


Lincoln and Alisia said...

60 miles! You go girl!
ps, I am still a poser and am afraid of putting clips on my bike.
And sorry again about pilates. Please come sometime on a Saturday so I feel better about it.

Natalee said...

You payed someone 6$ to say "Guten Morgen". Dang I wish I had been with you. I would have done it for 5$.