Monday, March 2, 2009


Too bad Arlington County doesn't offer this kind of service (well, minus the breaking down part).

6+ inches of snow = stuck on the treadmill tonight. 10 miles have never loomed so...but we're three weeks out so there's no messing around. Attitude is everything, right? I should have just gotten out and run in the fluffy snow at 6 a.m. like I'd planned, but that howling wind...oh the wind...and the thought of wet feet with that wind...[sigh] Treadmill it is. Pray for warmer weather.

1 comment:

Kimberly said... should have done exactly as you did. No one can run on a broken ankle that they got from running in the slippery snow! :D If you want, next time you have to do the tedious task of running on a treadmill I can come entertain you with scenes from "The Court Jester!" (and you know exactly which scenes I mean! :D