Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Addendum to "Yeah, NOT a kid's movie"

My sister lovingly found this for me. (Karen, my heart started pumping really hard when I saw it and I felt a little bit pathetic. I hope you're happy.)

Go to minute 4:20. As soon as I saw it, I remembered that this is what freaked me out so badly.

My fear makes a lot more sense now...I mean, seriously, that is freaky. Right?


Janey said...

That. is the creepiest thing i've ever seen. and i'm eating radishes right now for lunch...i might die.

Ashley C said...

Two words: CREE-PY! I don't think I've been that freaked out by a "kids" movie since Return to Oz!

Mom Bradshaw said...

Ahhhhh... if we could identify all our phobias as easily as this one
and trace them back from whence they came......

Natalee said...

I remember seeing that!!! hahaha What memories!


Anonymous said...

I'm growing radishes in my garden right now. I wonder if any will have blue leaves. :) And why do I have a sudden craving for pie?

Natalee said...

OH MY GOSH. That was horrible!!! If I'd seen that as a child I would fear them too. Awful, just awful.

Rachel said...

Wow Julie - that was absolutely spooky! I can honestly say I missed that movie during my childhood years. I was too busy watching CHIPS and the Polka Dot Door! And I used to like radishes too! I'm not sure I'll be able to eat them anymore either!

BTW - anyone who has been pregnant, have you ever had an intense "craving" for something that is spicy and will end up giving you heartburn? I don't think so! Not me! I have cravings for much better things like peach cobbler and cheesecake! ;)

Lincoln and Alisia said...

so funny and so creepy at the same time