Wednesday, March 25, 2009

PSA: For all you new allergy sufferers out there

You all know how anxiously I have awaited Spring. However, I always seem to forget in my anticipation that spring also brings things like pollen, ragweed, grass, etc. Things to which I am very allergic. I never had allergies in San Diego, but they started up about a year after I moved here and they have gotten progressively worse each year. Each year I try a different cocktail but have never really found what works for me. I decided this year I should go to the doctor and get some advice. I couldn't get in to see my normal doctor last week, so I went to this other whackadoo doctor and it was a complete nightmare (I can't even talk about that doctor's appointment, it was so traumatic, and I don't even think I'm being overly dramatic about it).

Yesterday my allergies hit bad and I was just so cranky last night (sorry to everyone who had to deal with me). I finally got in touch with my real doctor today who told me to buy these two lovelies:

These are AMAZING if you are having leaky and heavy eyes.
I put one drop in each eye and a minute later I had my eyes back.
No joke.

These are better than the 24-hour relief. By a LONG shot.
The 24-hour pills aren't even worth taking.

I love my doctor.
Down with crazy doctors.

Bring on the spring.
(Man, what a difference the right drugs make.)


Mary said...

So, I was in Idaho last week, when the allergies hit. I went to the Walgreens, and the pharmasist happened to be a young, hot, unmarried man. He also suggested the Zyrtec. I had been attributing my livyhood to the hot doc, but maybe it was the zyrtec after all ;)

Julie Bradshaw said...

It was probably a mixture of both. :)

Oh, also as a side-note: Zyrtec-D is the brand my doc recommended if you have congestion associated with allergies.

tink said...

I feel a little guilty. I've used Zaditor before and might even have some in my room. You were only five steps away from eye relief all along.

Anonymous said...

I love you so much Sis! Or rather my Son will love you. Christopher has been miserable for days and now maybe life will return to normal for him. THANKS!!!!!!