Tuesday, March 3, 2009

It's like real life Mad Gab

Have you guys played that game MadGab? It's the one with cards that have sentences that mean nothing on them. You read the sentence aloud with the hope that if you run the words together just right it will actually sound like a phrase with which you are familiar. Well, sometimes, my life is like MadGab.

I have real problems with hearing sometimes. It's not that I'm hard of hearing (when I want to I can actually hear lots of things that aren't intended for anyone to hear). It's just that sometimes I space out when someone is talking in a group or during periods of silence and I tune back in either very slowly or at the very wrong time. Or sometimes I'm friends with mumblers who provide me with a treasure trove of malaproprisms. :) Or sometimes I don't think too hard about what a song is really about and just assume the words are what I'm hearing.

Some recent examples:

What I heard: "By the grace of God"
What was actually said: "The grapes are gone"

What I heard: [said very mysteriously as we walked down the street] "Ooh, look. Duplex apartments. I wonder who's in them."
What was actually said: "Ooh, look. Two black suburbans. I wonder who's in them."

What I heard: [in the chorus of a hip hop song] "Birdseed"
What was actually said: "Mercy"

What I heard: [in the chorus of a good running song] "Candied Heels"
What was actually said: "Canned heat in my heels" (Yes, I know the name of the song is "Canned Heat" but I didn't make the connection until one day on my run after listening to the song for the umpteenth time.)

Sometimes I know I couldn't have heard correctly, but I also can't help but repeat what I thought I heard (lack of filter). Sometimes I'll realize what was actually said mid-question, but I can't put those words back in my mouth. Sometimes that's okay. Sometimes that's disastrous.

Most of these have happened in the last couple of weeks (the "Grace of God" one was quite a while ago -- my roommate reminded me about that one). I'm sure there have been more...many more. Do you remember any? Do you have any of your own?

1 comment:

M. said...

Jamiraquoi.... it's okay. My old roommate thought that the song "got me on my knees Layla" was gay love. That's my fav. ;) Should we also mention that on sunday we kept thinking we heard the words porn and whore?...