Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Random Twitching, Inspirational Articles, and New Nakies

I don't know what I've done, but the back of my neck is twitching rather uncomfortably. Maybe it's my overuse of the mouse (pathetic job). Maybe it has something to do with my swim this morning (doubtful, but maybe). Maybe it has something to do with the same thing that's making my heart do funny things, namely the depletion of electrolytes that I have failed to replenish (hmm, most likely, I think)... Whatever it is, I'd like it to stop. The sooner the better.

On another, completely unrelated note, Ch sent me a great article (in the mail!) the other day. It was one of those articles that had a similar effect as discovering Anne Fadiman's familiar essays. Discovering myself as a writer has taken considerably more time and effort than I anticipated and this was yet another piece of writing that unlocked a little bit more. More on that maybe tomorrow.

And one last note: I'm an aunt again! Evan James Bradshaw was born on Monday. It's times like these I wish I lived closer to home. Just look at this preciousness. I just want to pick him up and smell him and kiss him and call him Magnus...I mean Evan.
I will say, it's a little eerie how in this particular family resemblances have begun to repeat themselves. Jonathan is a mini-Paul. Evan is a mini-Matthew. I wonder if they had another (I know, Wendy, bite my tongue) if he would look like a mini-Josh. Or a mini-Megan.
Check out little Jonathan with Evan. I love this look of curiosity and excitement on his face. [sigh] I have two little nakies now and I miss them both.
Okay, I will now stop being schmoopy about my family. This is not that kind of blog (I'm not exactly sure what kind of blog this is, but it's not really the type where I parade pictures of family in a non-interesting way. I would be more entertaining about this whole thing if babies did anything remotely interesting, I mean besides being really really cute. The only story Evan can give me right now is the fact that we were all pulling for him to be named MAGNUS because it was mentioned once in jest about how it's a family name and they were going for a family name, or at least considering it, and how I told Wendy that I might just call him Magnus anyway, because I'd already gotten my hopes up for it and I wasn't sure if I could make the switch in my heart and how she responded that she was prepared to accept that. I mean, that's the only story I've got so far. He could be a Magnus, right?!)
I love babies. The end.
More on that interesting article tomorrow.

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