These are the glasses I wear at work, except imagine them in a smoky green color.
I have another wire-framed pair I keep at home and travel with (they are not as comfortable but more durable).
I haven't had my prescription changed (or even checked, come to think of it) since I moved to D.C. Not because I haven't needed to, but because I've just been too lazy/cheap. However, the last two weeks have been long and have convinced me that it's probably time to pay a visit to the optometrist. I took off my glasses the other day to talk to my boss (it's hard to focus far away with the glasses on and hard to focus on what's being said when you can't focus on the subject annoying) and then turned back to my computer screen to do something only to find that without my glasses...well, I had to work infinitely harder to figure out what was going on. So depressing. Driving at night has been more difficult as my depth perception has been worse than usual in the darkness (I've almost biffed it down my stairs countless times on my way out to run or swim). Soooo, I have an appointment for next week. I'm considering getting new frames.
These are a few I saw and liked:
I like the two-tonedness of this pair.
I don't love these as much, but they could be an option.

you have to try them on. same with wedding dresses. you can pick out all the cool-looking frames or dresses in the world but really have no idea what works for you until you put them on. unless you're one of the lucky few who look good in everthing. which is a possibility for you, for sure. but i still say trying on is the only way to truly know.
we should go glasses shopping together!! I've been thinking about getting another pair to use up my FS account $. Um, DEF go with the DKYN red ones. The brown ones are really cool though too. Let's go! (b/c i agree w/ michelangelo, gotta see them on your face)
Love the top pair - they remind me a lot of mine. Only more feminine and pretty :)
Actually, I like the last pair the best. I'll even give you good reasons to have an oval shaped face with semi-angular cheek bones which are repeated in the shape of the glasses. The color also has a hint of auburn--again a repeat of your hair color. I think you'd be pleasantly surprised at the "not great on the rack but great on me" effect. Good luck!!
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