Sunday, March 22, 2009



What is that, you ask?
My official National Marathon time from Saturday.

I eeked into Boston qualifying by 47 seconds.
Way too close.

Feelin' good at mile 17

Devoted fans, anxiously awaiting my arrival at the finish.

Not feelin' so good at mile 26.
(Kim gets the award for best marathon pic taken)

Way too much emotion going on.
I just couldn't stop crying.
The timing was so close no one was sure if I had made it or not.

I'm not even sure if I can explain why I was crying, uh, sobbing.  The first 20 miles went really well.  I was sitting pretty around 7:40-8:20 pace (depending on the hills).  Then Scott (who is hugging me in this picture) jumped in and ran miles 21 to 25.5 with me.  When he found me, I was hurting, worse than I can ever remember hurting during a marathon.  I went out to leave it all on the road and so when I hit that wall at mile 20, I hit it hard.  I wasn't sure I was going to qualify, let alone finish the darn race.  I can't lie: I almost quit twice.  I cried twice (and around the same two spots I always cry in marathons).  I threw up twice (a new experience for me - I think it was the GU I ate).  (I know this makes you all want to do a marathon.)  And when Scott left me to finish by myself at mile 25.5, I told him I hated him for leaving me.  Then I tried to run as hard as my lead-legs would carry me.  When I came across the line and stopped, I burst into tears.  The official asked me if I was okay.  I said yes, that I was just happy to be done.  He made me walk through the chute.  So I did.  I was freezing, so off went the shirt as they handed me my metal cape.  I tried to hold it together but I was still choking back sobs as I was looking for my friends.  Then I saw Scott...and the floodgates opened.  I sobbed into his shoulder as I've never let anyone see me sob before.  Shameless.  I was relieved to be done, grateful for his help, disgusted with my weak mind (I can't even count how many times I told him I didn't want to run anymore and wanted to quit), happy to have qualified again.  

I have really great friends.

I'm really glad Boston is a year away.

I thought about trying to go for a quick run tomorrow but I tried to run after something today and my knees buckled under me.  Maybe Tuesday...

Oh, and Jay made me cookies.  They were divine.  Absence (abstinence?) makes the heart grow fonder...


annie said...

girl, you are a hardcore rockstar. i've never even attempted a marathon and you've done several AND and qualified for boston. also, i maybe cried a bit when i read this. (uh...pms anyone?) :P

M. said...

yeah!!! congrats and Jay is pretty fantastic for making you cookies. I just would have bought you some. :) Aren't you glad Scott ignored your whimpering?

Kim said...

You're my hero! (Scott might be, too.) It sounds like he's always there when you need him...

Anonymous said...

Julie- you are amazing! Thank you so much for being such an inspiration to me!

Mom Bradshaw said...

That's our girl! Proud of you, Julie! MWA!

Millicent said...


Anonymous said...

I am SOOOOOOOOOO proud to call you my sister. I was braggin on you today to my doctor. :) This right after I had to admit how little excercise I had done myself. I know...I shame our family. Oh well. My donut and I are still having a good time with each other this morning!!!! CONGRATULATIONS Sis!!!!!!! I love you!

layjent said...

Now everyone that got made at me during the cookie fast can forgive me, right? ;)