Tuesday, December 16, 2008

The Cure for Overly-personal Confessions

I have found that the cure for overly-personal confessions is to make sure I write in my journal first, before I decide to open a new blog posting with whatever happens to be banging around in my mind, though it has its drawbacks. The confession that comes after journaling often feels censored, forced, and a bit lackluster. I wish I knew how to find a happy medium--ah, the great quandry of my life...a happy medium.

Today's confession was going to involve something about singing and crying and trying to pull it together, first in front of about 500 people and then again the next day in front of about 20. But I journaled that all out and found that, minus the emotional commentary, all that was left was one embarrassing situation of almost falling on my way back to my seat because my legs were shaking so badly, and then another of losing it right before I was set to sing in front of a small group (which, I should add, is more terrifying to me than singing to a hall full of people). Terribly uninteresting.

So, instead, I'm going to confess to something else. Something less...emotional.

In the mornings, after I run, I go down into the basement to stretch and lift weights. Usually I'll put on the classical station (since it's still early and I don't want to wake the roommates above) and listen to a few pieces while I go through my usual routine.

At home, one of our Thanksgiving traditions is to watch White Christmas or Holiday Inn. This year it was White Christmas' turn. However, what everyone at home forgets is that not only do I turn in fairly early when I'm in DC, but that when I'm in California, I'm still on DC time for the first few days. Therefore, if you turn on a movie at 9:00 p.m. it's almost guaranteed I'll be asleep in the first five minutes. This year I made it through 30 minutes before I gave up, and Mom still leaves me exactly where I fall, even at age 27. I woke up at 3 a.m. with a numb butt and shoulder in an empty living room. I'm pretty sure I stepped on Tom (who was sleeping on a mattress on my bedroom floor) as I climbed into bed. Sorry Tommy.

ANYWAY, all that to say that I decided the only way I was ever going to finish the movie was to watch it in 15 minute increments in the mornings while I stretch. Today I got to my favorite dance number in the whole movie: Abraham. It's also one of my favorite numbers in Holiday Inn, but for entirely different reasons. Vera-Ellen is one of those dancers who blows my mind. I'm not sure I'm going to have time to get through Holiday Inn in the same way, so if anyone is interested in joining me Thursday night to get it in one shot, I think that's when I'm going to do it. Just let me know. :)

I know, lame confession this week, but I really really love White Christmas and have loved having it as a little morning treat for the last week. I can't wait for Holiday Inn. Fred Astaire...mmmm...

1 comment:

Mom Bradshaw said...

Happy Birthday Julie! What a blessing, the day you were born and every day since! I LOVE YOU so much!