Sunday, June 3, 2012

Happy Birthday, Mom

Mom would have turned 65 on Wednesday. Dave, being the superstar husband he is, suggested that we have Bruce's family over, have mom's favorite pie (lemon meringue), and set off a few of the chinese lanterns we couldn't use at our reception sendoff because the wind was too crazy. I thought it was a beautiful idea.


We watched the funeral slideshow while we ate pie. Dave had never seen it, and I wanted him to know a little bit more about her. I cried (of course), but it was so nice to have Dave next to me. He fills so much of that dark void. I'm so grateful for him.

We didn't manage to take video of the lanters, but they were beautiful. 

I really miss her.

Happy birthday, Mom.


jenni said...

What a great idea. You and Dave are such an awesome team together. Love you both. Happy Birthday to Mama Bradshaw!

Karen Adair said...

Thanks, Sis. And thank you to your awesome husband for honoring Mom in this way. Wish I could have been there with you. Thanks for sharing the experience! :) Happy Birthday, Mom.