Thursday, September 13, 2012

Catching Up

Well, it's that time. You know, the time when you dump your iPhone pictures on your computer and realize you haven't blogged in, oh, three months. Scratch that--four months.

Turns out summer is pretty busy around here. Who knew?

Here's a snapshot of a few things we did:

We got rid of Leo. He was just too much of a puppy for us to handle for all of our summer travel. Plus, Chloe was tired of being molested.

We went to Lake Powell for a week...

where Dave accidentally broke this kid's arm tubing. :(

He had to ride into Page on the waverunner because we couldn't get the boat running again. I felt so bad for him. Thank goodness we had doctors with serious pain killing supplies on board.

I learned how to jump on this trip, though I may or may not have ended up with a week-long case of whiplash from one very painful spill...

I had major post-Powell blues. The house felt like it was rocking under my feet for at least three days and I missed living in a swimsuit.

I recovered from the blues and finally got around to getting my name changed. Then I was able to make the Dixie State hire official...

We saw my old pal James Royce star in Hairspray at Tuacahn. What a great production!

I ran a great half marathon with Rachel -- my first as a married woman!

And we spent a lot of time with family (Dave pictured with my nephew Sifer).

And that only brings us up to the end of June!!!!!

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