Sunday, June 3, 2012


Moving to St. George has been a bit of an adjustment for me, especially since I don't start teaching until August. My days include trying desperately to finish thank you notes, organize the garage, and get our house in order, as well as running errands, cooking delicious food, and exercising. It doesn't sound so bad when you put it that way, but it gets a little bit lonely sometimes when most of those activities are solitary. Consequently, Dave has tried to find things that will spice up my life a little bit.

Enter: Dixie, the little red scooter.

This little gem zooms me around town at a blistering 40 mph (downhill with a tailwind) and makes running errands and going to the gym so much fun! I just hit 100 miles the other day and finally had to fill up the gas tank (1 gallon capacity). The other day Dave and I met at the temple to clean. He was on his motorcycle and I took my scooter down. I couldn't stop laughing at the sight of us riding home side by side on our respective two-wheelers. It's amazing how much joy the little things bring into my heart.

Dave said make a tough face.

1 comment:

jocie said...

Dixie is rad. And I'm sure you look rad cruising around town.