Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Gold Star Wednesday

Today's gold star goes to:
This morning's metrorail conductor.
Things I learned on my ride in this morning:
1. That beeping sound you sometimes hear when your metro conductor announces your arrival at a station is the system telling him he's speeding.
2. There are 24 doors on an 8-car train, 16 on a 6- car train, and they all open for your convenience.
3. The 6-car trains are stopping at the same place as the 8-car trains right now, so position yourself accordingly on the platform so you don't miss your train.
4. The reason there is almost always a delay coming from Rosslyn to Foggy Bottom is because (a) there are two lines coming together and (b) traffic always gets a little backed up downtown.
5. You should not play near the edge of the platform. Ever. The trains come into the station anywhere between 25 and 42 mph. If you are standing too close, the conductor will honk his horn at you (as he comes speeding into the station, apparently).
6. He is nice. He said so himself. It was because he opened the doors an extra time for customers to get on.
I'm not kidding. He talked the entire ride in. I was cracking up. I don't know if anyone else was paying attention. I looked around to see if anyone was as tickled as I was for such an entertaining ride in, but everyone's noses were buried in their newspapers. Oh well. The gold star still goes to the conductor. He made my morning.


Mom Bradshaw said...

A gold star goes to you for delighting in life and enjoying everything and everyone around you. It is so refreshing!

Anonymous said...

Yes, I wish I had a button on my van this morning that had warned ME I was speeding...before the cop informed me. sigh

Britt said...

Count your blessings. For the last few days on the Red Line we have had delays caused by trains that have to be offloaded and then the entire line is backed up. The worse part is that I always manage to get on the train with this one conductor who is the bossiest conductor I have ever met. She actually closed the doors before anyone could get on the train and drove away because she was sick of waiting for people to unload. No matter that the rest of us were waiting on the platform for 15-20 minutes for the train to arrive. This didn't phase her at all.

Natalee said...

I love people like that. It is refreshing.

Kimberly said...

Ha ha! I know there are lots of conductors out there, but I've had one very similar to this one...wonder if it's the same man! I just sat and laughed the whole time! Good job for happy people...they are great! :D

Allison said...

I was totally on Britt's train. True story. What a nightmare. But on a happier note, I think I have also had your conductor, or one like him, before. So awesome. And I'll never forget the guy a few years back who used to say, "The next stop is Foooooooooooooooggy Bottom!"