Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Mid-week highlights

1. Monday morning our office administrator came to my desk. In the two seconds I had to reigster that she was coming to talk to me, I racked my brain for any possible reason I could have given her to pay a personal visit to my desk. I expected to be chastised for something, since that's what I usually expect when approached by an authority figure with whom I have previously had little to no contact, but I couldn't think of anything I had done.

"So, Julie, we've installed new faucets in the ladies' restroom down the hall. " Okay, I thought, I'm not in trouble, but this also is not exactly desk-visit-worthy intel. "We have installed a different one at each sink." I tried to keep from rolling my eyes as I considered the extravagance of our firm installing three different types of faucets in an attempt to satisfy the washing needs of the firm. She continued. "Would you please 'test-drive' each faucet over the next couple of weeks and let me know which you prefer?" Was she joking? No. She absolutely was not. "Depending on which one our hallway likes, we'll install new faucets in all the ladies' restrooms in the building." I blinked. "Will you send me an email once you've decided?" There were so many ways I wanted to respond to that question but I instead exerted all of my professionalism and simply replied, "Yes, of course." She proceeded to the next office occupied by a female. Really, I can't believe this issue even made it onto the firm administration's radar. Oh wait, yes I can.

In case any of you are wondering, I voted for the one on the far right.

2. Today at work I composed and sent an email with the subject line "boxes slated for destruction." I've been laughing about it all day.

I sometimes wish I didn't take so much delight in the ridiculous, but I just can't help it. I feel like those moments are little gems from God intended to brighten up life.

1 comment:

The Voice of Reason said...

Especially when the usual contents of firm-related emails often DO make the world go 'round (or not, as the case may be).

I laugh with you!