Thursday, November 20, 2008

Dear Pirates...

I miss Janey for so many reasons, one of which includes the hilarity of our conversations. We derail so quickly... Now that Janey's in CA we have had to make do over gchat. Sometimes it's scary how our minds travel along the same trajectory. I thought, for your day's entertainment, that I would just share a piece of one of our gchat conversations from today.


Jane: julies what's up with the somalian pirates? seriously, people still do that?
Julie: yes it's still very lucrative
i'm sure it's been going on for a while
they are just getting a lot of press right now for some reason
Jane: ohh really? i thought pirates were from days of yore
Julie: i think we forget (I know I do) that there are still a lot of things that are transported by cargo ship
Jane: um do they talk like pirates? and have wooden legs?
Julie: ha ha ha probably not sadly
Jane: becuse that would just be awesome
Julie: i know, especially if they were somalian ;)
Jane: lol you know i would like to see more of the world
Julie: ha ha ha
Jane: from a safe vantage point, of course
Julie: yeah, i'm not sure piracy is safe
Jane: i would imagine they use guns instead of swords now but i wonder if they watch pirate movies and just laugh
Julie: ha ha ha
they probably think, we've come a long way, boys
Jane: lol maybe there's still a dread pirate roberts!
Julie: we should write them an email and ask
Dear Pirates, Is there still a Dread Pirate Roberts? Please write back. Sincerely, Julie and Jane
Jane: dear pirates, i'm sorry you face such stigma from all of hollywoods interpretations of "pirates". It's got to be tough when you really have two eyes and both legs. I was just wondering, is there still a dread pirate roberts? If so, is he handsome and does he have a good heart like wesley? Your response will be greatly appreciated. Loves, XOXO Jane & julies
Julie: ha ha ha ha ha
I like yours better
Jane: oh you did one too! yours is more susinct
they'll probably be more likely to read it lol
seriously, people should become more aware of modern day pirating
ohhh do they still use the calico jack flag? because that would also be cool
Julie: ha ha ha
we can ask them in the email
Jane: you know this email might really help bridge the misunderstandings
my friend grayden just sent me this

Jane: ohhhhhh pirates are scary still!
Julie: yes very
Jane: Julie, I'm doing some research on pirates
on wikipedia, you know, the source of all truth and good solid research
and um i don't think they have the happiest lives
Julie: rethinking your desire to see the world?
via pirate ship?
ha ha ha
what does the wiki say?
Jane: well
they never actually got to bury their treasure
as it was usually not gold
and they lived off of limes and bananas
which would get old after awhile
Julie: but they wouldn't get scurvy
Jane: that's true, no bowed legs for them!
and if they got injured during battle then the ship would give them health insurance
that's nice
also, most pirates are outcasts from traditional society. and since I tend to like society, I don't think i'd fit in very well.
I guess being a pirate isn't all it's cracked up to be. Perhaps I should be a maiden instead.
Maybe it's only funny to us.


Brian said...

Arr, there be plenty of booty to go around!

GRRidd said...

I made the blog!!!

layjent said...

So I was watching CNN today when they were reporting about the pirates...while it is definitely a serious situation, our pop culture almost makes it a joke...i.e. the anchor was talking about Pirates, and he just couldn't stop smiling, as well as the caption below said, "Pirates!!"--who uses two exclamation points?? honestly...probably the same people that use two questions marks.