Friday, March 16, 2012

Tomorrow, Tomorrow

Today is my last day as Julie Bradshaw. Tomorrow I will become Julie Grygla. (Yeah baby!)

Yesterday as we were frantically trying to get the house cleaned up for company, the doorbell rang. My dad started laughing and called me to the door. There was a man there with a vase of flowers for Julie Grygla. I signed for them and looked at the card. They were from Dave: "Dear Julie, Happy 5th Anniversary. Love, Dave." My family looked at me oddly. Happy 5th anniversary?

Yes, people. Yesterday was the 5th anniversary of Dave's and my first date. I love that he remembers things like this. Also, these were the first flowers he's ever bought me. They are beautiful. I love him. I think I'll marry him. Like, tomorrow.

I am the luckiest. girl. alive.

See you all on the other side!

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