Thursday, May 29, 2008


I've had some serious cookie cravings this week. Serious ones. Enough to kill an entire package of Oreos with the help of only a couple of friends. The fact that I resorted to store-bought cookies is a sign of serious desperation. And it hasn't stopped at cookies. It extended earlier this week to a shameful consumption of cupcakes someone left in the kitchen at work. I don't even like cake, and yet there I was with my piggy hands, sneaking them away two-at-a-time like some awful closet eater (which I'm not). Just yesterday I had my nose practically pressed up against the display case at the Starbucks in our building, trying to decide which cookie was going to satisfy my desire. I must have looked pretty pathetic because my boss walked in and ordered his usual afternoon cappucino and paid for my cookie while he was at the register. On our way back up in the elevator he asked me which kind I got. I said chocolate chip. He said he thought for sure I was going to go for the M&M one. Sadly, he was right. I made a last-minute switch. I should have stuck with my gut instinct, but I made the mistake of considering the molasses one at the last minute and I got confused! I knew if I tried to choose between the M&M and the molasses I would end up getting both so I panicked and decided to go with a different cookie altogether. It was a rookie move. It ended up being a small step above the Oreos, about on par with the cupcake, and a huge step below Kate's homemade magic. [sigh]

1 comment:

M. said...

wow, I am completely laughing outloud... and so is arianne as i read it to her. Closet eater! Thanks for letting us be the people you shared your Oreos with! ;)