Wednesday, October 15, 2008

So many confessions, so little time

I have like 10 confessions I want to share today, only maybe 3 of them actually funny. Or maybe none of them are. I'm not sure why I feel compelled to share. And anyway, now that I'm here to write them, they all seem to have mysteriously slipped away from my memory. I should take that as a sign of personal preservation, but never fear! I have such safeguards in place to ensure this does not prevent the TTC from moving forward. Let me pull out my little black notebook (you don't know if I'm serious or not do you? Well let me just put that baby to rest: the notebook is real.) Oh, yes, here we are. They're all coming back to me. Let's start with the metro confessions, shall we?

1. Monday: I got on the wrong line coming home from work. I think I do this maybe once a year. I don't really know how it happened; I must have had a lot on my mind. I didn't realize my mistake until I noticed that we we had gone a long way in between metro stops and weren't coming into the sunlight of Arlington Cemetery. Sure enough, when we pulled into the next station it was Courthouse. Arg! Are you serious?! I hate it when I do this because it takes forever (forever=20 minutes) to get turned back around. The next train wasn't for another 7 minutes. Then I'd have to get off at Rosslyn and wait for the next blue line, all while trying to avoid being seen by any of my Rosslyn-boarding friends so that I didn't have to explain in the very moment of my shame that I took the wrong line after working at the same job for five years. Honestly.

2. Yesterday: Another metro story. I finally found a car on the metro that always has a seat open. I like this because that means I can finish writing in my journal on the way home from work. I was feeling quite contemplative and had taken a moment to pause and think just as the metro burst from the tunnel and into the sunlight of the Cemetery. The effect of the autumn sun through the window was just beautiful and I gazed outward, ready to lean my head against the window and release a soft sigh of contentment. Just before contact I noticed (thankfully - I really can't emphasize that word enough) the only thing that could have interrupted my reverie: a huge grease spot on the window. Where someone probably fell asleep. Sick. My sigh was choked off mid-release and I mentally (and physically) recoiled. Yanked back to reality, I finished my journal entry with a bit of a clearer mind.

End of metro confessions.

3. Last night: I had tacos. The kind you eat.

4. Nearly every day: I take a nap in the park during lunch. I have been mocked by several people for this behavior. To them I would just like to say a few things: (a) I had a very lovely moment with autumn last week that you probably missed. So meh. (b) I was very sick less than 2 months ago. Maybe this is my body's way of coping with my very strenuous job (I can hear you snickering. Stop it). (c) I like napping outside. It makes me less grumpy than napping inside. (Yes, it's true. I'm a grumpy napper. And Tom, so help me, if you post the comment that I know is going through your head...well, I'll send you a snack, because it will probably be the highlight of my day.) (d) I do not look homeless. I look relaxed.

5. Every day: I think in lists. No surprise there.

6. Back to Monday: I told someone that I wouldn't read their blog if I wasn't their friend. It was a mean thing to say. I'm sorry. I really am. I shouldn't be allowed to talk when I'm upset. I also cried not too long after the offending comment. I'm sorry for that, too.

7. Sunday: I ate four cookies to break my fast and only one of them was during the cuddle puddle. The others were closet cookies.

8. Sometimes: I like having my buttons pushed. Sometimes.

9. Last week: I tried to see if I could keep my room clean for a whole 7 days. Success! However, this morning I realized I had been hiding my paperwork in an out-of-sight corner. I dejunked it in record time. We're back to clean. Yay me. I get a "caught you being neat" treat, right mom? Cookies are in the freezer.

10. We were born this way: My two younger brothers (Tom and Brian) and I have occasion-specific laughs, which I only recently began to notice (the pattern, anyway. We've been doing the laughs themselves for years). I tried to explain it to one of my roommates the other day and it just didn't make any sense. However, this morning when I was talking to Tom, I did one laugh (you deserved it, Tom) and he followed up with the usual (read: right) one. We tested it on Brian this afternoon and he did it too. Life with them is nice and simple sometimes.

These are my confessions. There are more, but this is more than enough for now.


Mom Bradshaw said...

You are such a delightful child! How lucky I am to be your mom!

Julie Bradshaw said...

Hi Mama! I'm glad I still delight after all these years and haven't started being annoying. Ha ha. MWA!

Tom Bradshaw said...

Grumpy napper? So many thoughts are running through my head right now. I think they make something for people with that problem, though I think most overcome it by your age...

Guess the grumpy factory has been working overtime since you got sick...


Julie Bradshaw said...

Tom gets a snack...

Tom Bradshaw said...

This blog post deserves a couple of goat laughs. If I heard this in a car, it would deserve a low-IQ laugh.

All in all, I think I could squeeze a less-than-intelligent goat laugh. That would be an interesting combo of laughs...

Julie Bradshaw said...


M. said...

yeah cuddle puddle!!! I would like another cookie please. Since I work in Ballston can i come visit during a nap session? Our secretary sleeps in a hammock during his lunch breaks... thats weird, napping on the grass... is not.

Naomi said...

My confession: I ate 3 cookies while reading your post. They were delicious. They were ALSO Dave's special cookies that I made for him last week. Sorry, Dave... (he's out of town for the rest of the week--with any luck, he will have forgotten about the cookies by the time he gets back :).

Tom Bradshaw said...


Lincoln and Alisia said...

Taco Tuesday without me... sad.

Cherie said...

My confession: I was inspired by Naomi's confession and ate 4 or 5 cookies AND watched Holiday Inn today. Yeah - October. I know.

Julie Bradshaw said...

HOLIDAY INN!! I'm waiting until Thanksgiving (like I always do). I can't wait.