Thursday, October 16, 2008

Abide With Me, Tis Eventide

Abide with me; 'tis eventide.
The day is past and gone;
The shadows of the evening fall;
The night is coming on.
Within my heart a welcome guest,
Within my home abide.
O Savior, stay this night with me;
Behold, 'tis eventide.
O Savior, stay this night with me;
Behold, 'tis eventide.

Abide with me; 'tis eventide.
Thy walk today with me
Has made my heart within me burn,
As I communed with thee.
Thy earnest words have filled my soul
And kept me near thy side.
O Savior, stay this night with me;
Behold, 'tis eventide.
O Savior, stay this night with me;
Behold, 'tis eventide.

Abide with me; 'tis eventide,
And lone will be the night
If I cannot commune with thee
Nor find in thee my light.
The darkness of the world, I fear,
Would in my home abide.
O Savior, stay this night with me;
Behold, 'tis eventide.
O Savior, stay this night with me;
Behold, 'tis eventide.

My favorite hymn. Its words speak to my soul in a way that is hard for me to explain. It makes me think of asking the Savior to tarry a little longer, knowing his presence will drive away any darkness or loneliness...there is a lot of love and humility in that request. It makes me think of coming home from a long, tiring day, knowing there is a fire in the fireplace, two cozy chairs, and a friend waiting there for me. It makes me think of a dream I had many years ago that involved meeting and worshipping my Savior. It was powerful and affected me deeply. I think of my reunion with Him when I hear this song. Some hymns touch me intermittently, but I cannot sing or hear this song without being touched, without feeling a longing to return to Him, without desiring to repent and live more righteously so that at least His spirit can abide with me, even if He cannot right now. I was listening to this hymn on my way to work today (as sung by George Dyer - it is lovely and very moving) and so it was on my mind. The arrangement is so simple and so sincere, which is the way I try to hear and sing this song, the way I try to feel these sentiments, the way I try to feel my Savior's love.

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