Thursday, December 1, 2011

The most wonderful time of the year

This is my favorite time of year. We've just finished up my favorite holiday -- Thanksgiving -- and Christmas is right around the corner. It's also my birthday month, which is always fun. There's a chill in the air, and there's nothing quite like a cup of hot cocoa and a blanket to complete a long, pre-winter day.

It's interesting to think back to this time last year, how difficult Thanksgiving and Christmas were. My heart hurt so badly on all sides of the holidays--leading up to, the day of, and the aftermath. This year, I find that the wounds have mostly healed; I didn't dread Thanksgiving once, and the day of was peaceful and full of love. Of course, that mostly had to do with this man.

He gave me one of the best Thanksgivings I've ever had; I have spent this week feeling so grateful for him. He is truly remarkable. Love never felt so good.

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