Monday, June 8, 2009

A Fond Farewell

Dear friends/family/blogstalkers:

This all started with one very funny story shared at a dinner table with some dear friends. I'll never forget that night. I am always pleased when a story gets such a reaction, but I was also pretty embarrassed. It was a delicious combination. Rare. Maybe that's what made it so delicious...

At that time, I was looking for a creative writing outlet and I thought this, Taco Tuesday Confessions, would be the perfect venue. And in many ways it has been. However, as the months have gone by and I have grown and changed, my need for public blogging has waxed and waned. I had originally started this blog to entertain. I like to entertain. I like to tell stories. I like to craft and build and suspend until just the perfect moment. I also like to write introspective pieces, insights I can share with those around me. However, I have found recently this venue has become a little too unwieldy for me to handle anymore. I miss the dinner table conversations, the close-knit friends who hear the deepest and darkest, the coming home with great pieces of news, the one-on-one time in the dark sharing secrets and hopes and dreams with those I love most. Most of all, I miss my family.

I know, it seems strange that this blog would make me miss my family. But I write them less; I call them less, mostly because I figure they are reading my blog. Some of them are. Some are not. And frankly, I shouldn't rely on this. I should call. Often. Oftener than I do, anyway.

So it is with some sadness that I bid the public blogging world farewell, at least as it concerns Taco Tuesday Confessions. I have enjoyed laughing with you all ... virtually and in person. I look forward to building stronger face-to-face bonds of friendship.

Thank you to everyone who has given words of encouragement over the last year and few months. I have grown up a lot through this experience, not only through crafting things to write to you all, but in the conversations I've had outside of this blog. I'm hopeful those conversations will continue and increase.

Peace out my friends.

With much love,
Your indiscriminate confessor no more,
Julie (a.k.a Cookie Monster - that remains unchanged)

p.s. I'll leave the blog public for another week or so, just so the word gets out. After that it will be private until I can find the time to get the significant postings off for posterity's sake. :)


eMiLy said...

oh cookie, now i'm acutally going to have to work instead of read your least we still have gchat ;) ... and late night confessions in my room (with pellegrino, doritos and prunes)

Cherie said...

I love you and deeply admire your courage and strength. Thanks for your endless support and understanding.

Anonymous said...

Love you Sis. That will never change!

M. said...

See, I'm sad because I don't have what Emily does. *sigh*. But, can TT start again? Or can I have some way to come visit. If not, I'll miss those insights that spurn gchats (even when we are both on "do not disturb") etc. etc. You are a great example and i hope we DO get more chats f2f. ;0)

Aaron said...

It is indeed a sad day for your adoring blog-reading fans (myself included). TTConfessions will be dearly missed. Also, I'll miss learning bizarro facts such as "pellegrino, doritos, and PRUNES" from here :)

Natalee said...

Ahh sis, I will miss your blogs! What else will I do in school all day if I don't have your blogs to read?!?! Thanks for all the insights and memories sis!


jocie said...

truly, it is the end of an era. you will be missed.

Millicent said... of the highlights of my "spare time" was reading your blog. Guess we'll just have to schedule some face time. Wait! I like that idea...YAY to TTC being on sabbatical. What can I say? I'm selfish.